Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

How do we use the information you provide us?

In order to facilitate the buying and selling of goods, our online shop asks you to provide the contact details you provide like email address as well as your name, postal address and email.

If you browse our website We automatically track the IP address you use to access our site. Your IP address allows us to identify your operating system and your web browser.

If you accept to receive emails informing you of the newest products we offer, store openings as well as any other details.

Section 2: Consent

Is there a better method to obtain my consent than by asking me?

By providing the company with your personal data to complete a transaction online, make a purchase, verify a credit card\’s details and arrange delivery, exchange or return of the product, or receive a refund by submitting your personal information, you confirm you agree to the collection and usage for only this reason.

If we ask for your personal information to be used for a purpose that is not related, such as marketing, then you will either receive a direct request or have the option of not agreeing.

Section 3: Disclosure

In some instances, we will be required to provide personal information when the law demands the sharing or if you\’ve in violation of our terms and condition.


We use third party service providers who will collect, store and only share your information to the extent necessary for us to receive the services.

Some third-party providers like payments processors and gateways, have privacy policies that govern the information we are required to provide in order for the transaction to go through.

Before submitting your details to these websites, we recommend that you review the privacy policies of these services.

Be aware that certain providers are located or may have facilities in a jurisdiction that is different from yours or ours. If you choose to complete a transaction involving the services of third-party providers, your information may be subject to the laws in the country where the service provider is located or has its facilities.

Section 6. SECTION 5.

We protect your information private by taking every precaution we have.

The security of your card is assured that the details of your credit card are secured by SSL technology. Our company adheres to PCI DSS guidelines and adheres to various other industry standard requirements.


You are claiming when you use this Website that you are in compliance with the minimum threshold of the age requirement for your state or province. You also represent that you have met these age minimums and you consent to allow any minors you support to access this Website.